


On 2017年4月10日, 明尼苏达谷将表彰那些经常在充满挑战的条件下工作以保持照明的辛勤工作的人.

决议全文, 全国农村电力合作协会(NRECA)董事会一致通过的, 如下:

“Whereas linemen leave their families and put their lives on the line every day to keep the power on; Whereas linemen work 365 days a year under dangerous conditions to build, maintain and repair the electric infrastructure; Whereas linemen are the first responders of the electric cooperative family, getting power back on and making things safe for all after storms and accidents; and Whereas there would be no electric cooperatives without the brave men and women who comprise our corps of linemen;

因此,NRECA决定将每年4月的第二个星期一定为全国输电线工人感谢日,并向电力合作社开放, 物资和支持,以表彰这些宝贵的男女对美国电力合作社的贡献.”


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